How to Make a Flower Essence

A flower is created as spirit streams down from the sky and enters the earths living body, this energy then moves upward and moulds itself into plants. The pinnacle of the divine energy becomes the flower, giving spirit to form. Most flowers hold a frequency of around 300Hz, the natural frequency of a human standing body is around 7Hz. Flowers can raise our vibration with theirs, through resonant frequencies and electromagnetic waves of energy. If the bodies natural frequency is scattered, the flowers vibration can assist in bringing the human body into healthy frequency communication, to hum with the tune of self-regulation and healing.

Flower Essences are a healing modality using these pinnacles of source energy by imprinting the flowers’ blueprint into water. These floral ‘remedies’ are made through a process of solarization, where the flowers signature is transferred into water through the sun’s rays. The structures of specially processed water create entanglement between an applied flower and water structures.

Flower essences work to harmonise discordant emotional energies by introducing subtle vibrational imprints to the body. Introducing these natural beneficial frequencies to the body can shift the existing emotional state, and that in turn, can begin to change the physical state for the subtle yet tangible healing to take place.


A glass bowl

Scissors or garden pruners

Fresh living water

A dark glass jar

A dropper bottle

Australian brandy, vodka or gin (40% + for preservation)


Through all parts of the process it is important to work with an attitude of sacredness and mindfulness. Before picking the flowers use your intuition to feel into if you have their permission to pick them.

Generally only pick flowers when they are growing in abundance.

Make the flower essences on a sunny enough day as the vibrational imprint is transferred into the water through the sun’s rays.

1. Fill the bowl with living water

2. Develop a state of neutrality, the vibration of the flower and water are susceptible to your energy so consciously distance yourself from the action. Focusing on the breath or gratitude for the flower can be great tools in keeping your energy clear.

3. Cut the flowers directly into the water. As this isn’t an infusion the water does not need to cover the flowers.

4. Leave the bowl in the sun for 2-6hrs

5. Remove the flowers with a leaf or twig, avoiding touching the essence with the hands as best you can to avoid the cross transfer of energies

6. Pour the water into the glass jar half full, fill the remaining half with alcohol – this will become your mother essence

7. Prepare the dropper bottle with 30% alcohol and 70% water. Place 7 drops of Mother essence into bottle. * You can further potentise this through dilution methods repeating this method ones more. Shake to activate.

In preparing the mother and stock essences you can involve various rhythms and vortices in the liquid to bring vitalizing forces into the essence. The movement of the elemental forces which work in flower essences can enhance their healing power.

Rhythmic shaking of the dosage bottle can "wake up" the remedy, with the understanding that the water element is in its most vital and natural state when it is in movement.

Everything in nature is endowed with intelligence and spirit. When we are in communication with the flowers vibrational essence, we enter into a deeper relationship with the spirit of a plant. When we are in touch with this spirit, we are more receptive to receive information about its medicine.

Every time we acknowledge the healing essence of a plant, we also receive communion. True communion is a journey through the heart, where we drop all analytical thought and move into a deeper place within ourselves.

When we open to spiritual listening, we embody all of our senses, which then provides and opening of communion, from the flowers spirit to our own.


Kunzea & Anise Myrtle Native Botanicals